Reflective visual journal is an indispensable Tool for all visual creative’s. RVJ is a portable laboratory for the development of your visual thinking. It is also a tool for engaging with the creative process as learning journey. As designer RVJ and design sketching in it plays a big part in designing process. for example RVJ will help the designer to do more creative art works and its helps a lot in brainstorming part in that particular concept. Same time its (practice in sketching) helps the designer to perform more in digital designing.
Working by hand

As designer it is important to work by your hand in RVJ. Its allow designers to develop an idea, to analyze it, to document a building or a site, as well as to present their ideas to others and same time it helps you to build your own visual language. RVJ is essential as it enables you to engage a physical connection between your hand, your eye, and you’re creative Right brain. This is an entirely different process to thinking in words or working with words, a camera or computer.
Working by hand (Sketching) also helps to solve problems. Furthermore, someone solving a question in mathematics he or she sketches down the Problem into simple drawing. Its help the problem solver to solver problem very efficiently. Same in designing, simple hand sketching in RVJ can help the desiner to see the communication problem from different perspectives, different week point and plus points and creates basic foundation for that particular art-work.
Leonardo has developed these ideas by “thinking on the page”. He did not describe the idea in words and then proceed to illustrate his description. This connection of thinking and mark making allows your creative brain to operate.
Many of us carry negative associations about drawing, and our work is limited by self consciousness as a result...
Use your Brain
They carry out different processing functions in different ways...You can improve creativity immeasurably by consciously utilizing these functions.

The right brain is like a child at play...Innocent, sensitive, experimental, playful, curious... The left brain is like an Accountant...Organizing, clarifying, quantifying, editing, Selecting, classifying Those with a right-side dominant brain depend more on visual references for understanding and are often times visual learners. They are more emotional, swayed by feelings, and are able to better understand and reflect on these feelings. Furthermore, right-brained thinkers are very intuitive and curious about the world.
As a designer it is important to consciously, repeatedly, switching brain modes in creative process
Lecture Notes